Sometimes we need to configure a new server with the same websites / applications like on another server. Up until now we only used IIS 7.5 on our servers, and I always used these instructionsby Toni Pohl (in German). Sometimes I even then stumbled into problems – they had to do with different IIS installations (i.e. missing features) on the different machines.

Now, for the first time, we have a Windows Server 2012 with IIS 8. Since I could not find instructions on how to transfer the configuration from IIS 7 to IIS 8, I simply applied the same process like above.  It went badly: the Application Pools and Sites folder were gone. Luckily IIS backs up its configuration to %systemdrive%\inetpub\history. I restored the default by copying and overwriting adminstration.config and applicationHost.config.

I applied the same method to get the IIS 7 configuration into the IIS 8 on the other server: copy and overwrite adminstration.config and applicationHost.config. And it seems to work – I had no problems upto now.